Two roller tribometer
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Two roller machines are designed for the research on traction, wear and rolling contact fatigue under conditions of pure rolling and rolling and sliding, with dry and lubricated contacts. Two roller machines fall into two basic categories, those with mechanical torquecirculation (rollers back-to-back with gears in a "four-square" configuration) and those with electrical power circulation (mechanically open loop).
TE 72 Two Roller Machine
The TE 72 Two Roller Machine is for the study of traction, wear and rolling contact fatigue under conditions of pure rolling and rolling and sliding, with dry and lubricated contacts. Two versions of the machine are available covering different load and power capacities.
The TE 72 machine has two motors, one to provide the input power and one to absorb the transmitted power. The design is of the “over-hung” roller type, with test rollers fitted over-hung on the end of the machine test spindles, as opposed to the “fully supported” arrangement, in which the test rollers are mounted on shafts between bearings.
It will be noted that the use of an in-line torque transducer for traction measurement is subject to parasitic losses associated with the roller spindle bearings.
The TE72 has two types: TE72S and TE72H.

Technical Specifications
- Type: Circulating power
Overhung roller
Spindles opposed
Variable shaft centre distance - Contact: Line, point or elliptical contact
- Geometry: Roller on Roller
- Test Conditions: Pure Rolling
Sliding/Rolling - Maximum Roller Diameter: 120 mm
- Minimum Roller Diameter: 50 mm
- Maximum Load: 5 kN
- Slide-Roll Ratio: 0 – 200 % (pure rolling to pure sliding)
- Roller Temperature: Ambient to 150°C
- Maximum Roller Speed: 3000 rpm
If you want to have further information or would like to submit a demo test, please contact us.
TE 73 Two Roller Machine
The TE 73 has the “overhung” roller design in which test rollers are mounted on the end of spindles and in which the spindle housings are mounted adjacent to each other.
In the TE 73, the two rollers are driven at different speeds to give varying amounts of slip in the contact and therefore to transmit increasing amounts of traction. The maximum traction coefficient is obtained at a particular value of slip and this is a characteristic of an individual fluid. Test rollers are mounted on a horizontal axis, side-by-side, with one spindle housing mounted on a linear slide, allowing it to be indexed towards, and hence loaded against, a fixed spindle. Torque is measured with an in-line torque transducer. Roller spindles are oil lubricated from a lubricant service unit. Seal friction is eliminated by the use of non-contacting labyrinth seals. One roller assembly is pivoted with a mechanism to achieve up to 1% skew adjustment.
The TE73 also has two types: TE73S and TE73H.

Technical Specifications
- Type: Circulating power
Overhung roller
Spindles parallel
Limited variable shaft centre distance - Contact: Line or point contact
- Test Conditions: Pure Rolling
Sliding/Rolling - Standard Roller Diameter: 150 mm on 150 mm
- Maximum Load: 21 kN
- Continuously Variable Slide-Roll: 0 to 3000 rpm
- Slide-Roll Ratio: 0 – 200 % (pure rolling to pure sliding)
- Motor Base Speed: 1500 rpm
- Maximum Spindle Speed: 6000 rpm
If you want to have further information or would like to submit a demo test, please contact us.
TE 74 Two Roller Machine
The TE 74 is for the study of traction, wear and rolling contact fatigue under conditions of heavily loaded, lubricated, pure rolling and rolling and sliding. The machine incorporates two motors, one to provide the input power and one to absorb the transmitted power. To achieve the necessary high loads with small diameter rollers, hence high contact pressures, the test rollers our mounted on shafts with bearings on either side, in the “fully supported” configuration. As a consequence, spindle bearings are exposed to, and must run in, the test lubricant. The mounting/loading arrangement has adjustable alignment, with the upper specimen shaft carried on a pivoted arm and with a spherical bearing incorporated in the pivot axle. The lower specimen shaft is carried in fixed bearings. The TE74 also has two types:TE74S and TE74H.

Technical Specifications
- Type: Circulating power
Fully supported roller
Spindles adjacent
Fixed shaft centre distance - Contact: Line or point contact
- Test Conditions: Pure Rolling
Sliding/Rolling - Standard Roller Diameters: 40 mm on 40 mm
- Maximum Roller Difference: 65 mm on 15 mm
- Maximum Roller Thickness: 12 mm
- Shaft Centre Distance: 40 mm
- Maximum Load: 12 kN
- Roller Temperature: Ambient to 150°C
- Motor Base Speed: 1500 rpm
- Motor Maximum Speed: 3000 rpm
- Maximum Surface Speed (40 mm Roller): 3.14 ms-1
If you want to have further information or would like to submit a demo test, please contact us.
TE53 Multi-purpose Friction Wear Tester
The TE53 two roller machine has a bearing housing carries two parallel shafts. The lower shaft carries a flat profile ring or roller and is connected to an a.c. servo motor. The upper shaft is carried in a spherical bearing at one end that permits rotation about the gear contact line and has a floating bearing at the other end. This allows the shaft to pivot freely in the vertical and horizontal axes.
Horizontal movement in the direction perpendicular to the upper shaft axis and is resisted by a strain gauge transducer. This gives measurements of the tangential force in the contact, which is displayed as friction force on the control unit. Load is applied through a lever acting in the vertical plane on the front end of the upper shaft, pressing on the outer race of the floating bearing.

Technical Specifications
- Contact Geometry: Crossed Cylinder
Ball on Cylinder
Block on Ring
Two Roller - Speed Range: 30 to 1200 rpm
- Equivalent Velocity: up to 4 m/s
- Slip Rate Gears: 1.79, 5.13, 8.70, 10.53, 13.33, 18.18 and 22.22%
- Friction Range: 130 N
- Load Range: 50 to 750 N
- Bath Temperature: ambient to 150°C
- Heater Power: 150 W
- Temperature Sensor: k-type thermocouple
- Roller Size: 60 mm diameter
- Sliding Specimen: 12.7 mm ball, roller or block
If you want to have further information or would like to submit a demo test, please contact us.
TE 54 Mini Traction Machine
The TE 54 (MTM) Mini Traction Machine is two roller type of machine with advanced and proven design. In order to eliminate spin the axis of the ball shaft, TE 54 designed with a ball on ring arrangement which automatically eliminates any possibility of spin or skew. It also eliminates any uncertainty with regard ball or track diameter; with circumferential grinding, it eliminates all the an-isotropic materials properties associated with preparing disc specimens.
The servo pneumatic loading system is integrated. In addition to the ball on disc arrangement, the TE 54 is also supplied with a self-aligning carrier to allow a 25 mm diameter by 8 mm wide roller to be mounted in place of the ball specimen, thus resulting in an 8 mm wide line contact. Thinner rollers can be manufactured in order to produce narrower line contacts.

Technical Specifications
- Ball Specimen Diameter: 25 mm
- Upper Disc Specimen Diameter: 25 mm
- Upper Disc Specimen Width: 8 mm
- Lower Disc Specimen Diameter: 50 mm
- Maximum Ball Speed: 4,000 rpm
- Maximum Ring Speed: 2,000 rpm
- Maximum Surface Speed: 5.24 m/s
- Maximum Load: 500 N
- Maximum Hertz Pressure (steel): 2.0 GPa
- Oil Bath Temperature: ambient to 150°C
- Heater Power: 250 W
- Temperature Sensor: k-type thermocouple
If you want to have further information or would like to submit a demo test, please contact us.